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1965 Thompson

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:46 pm
by Spiderhole

I am new here. I've had a Thompson I scooped up a few weeks ago that I've been working on. I need some help identifying some items. I plan on digging through the forum as well to learn as much as I can about what I have. It's not a show boat, but I basically want to get it up and going and in the water before the seasons over (I live in Dallas, TX). The title claims its a 1965 but I've heard that people have occasionally have gotten the years wrong. Its 16'.

Serial on the metal tag on the boat says 26160

On the transom stamped in the wood is B41293

I need to redo some of the wiring in the boat as whom ever did it before did a terrible job, so if possible I'd like some help identifying the wiring for the original harness which is still there.

I have what I believe is a 1978 Mercury 50HP motor on the boat. I am going to attempt to use the serial to ID where it's from. I need a new control box and key as there is some sort of electronic part broken off in mine.

I also need to put down a new subfloor.

I'll post some pics shortly...

Re: 1965 Thompson

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:55 pm
by Spiderhole

Re: 1965 Thompson

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:12 am
It may just be me and my lack of computer skills but I can not open your pictures. Let's see what others say.

Re: 1965 Thompson

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:23 am
by Phill Blank

To post pictures on this site you need to upload them to a website like and then copy the link from that site to you posting here on The Thompson Dockside.

Good Luck,


Re: 1965 Thompson

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:46 am
by Phill Blank

I found this post about posting pictures from 2006 under the "About Dockside Views" tab on the Board Index page.

Postby JRPfeff » Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:05 pm

JSC - I didn't read the FAQ, but I do have experience with another forum using this software.

You first need to upload your image to a file sharing website. I use, its free.

Then, paste the file sharing “direct link to image" to your forum message. Highlight the link, and click the "Img" button on top of the message pane to insert the image.

I learned how to do this from a thread at the discussion forum for the BBQ Bible website. Good luck and let me know if it works. I might have missed something in my instructions.


Good Luck,


Re: 1965 Thompson

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:32 am
by LancerBoy
I assume this is a boat made by Thompson Bros. Boat Mfg. Co. of Peshtigo, Wisc and not some other "Thompson" firm.

I already have SERIAL NO. 26160 in my database as a 19'-5" centerline boat. That owner did not furnish me with a HULL ID.

In any event, SERIAL NO. 26160 falls into the 1964 model year range.
HULL ID B41293 indicates the 1,293rd boat of all models made in the 1964 model year. The "B" is a code for the guy in the factory responsible for getting this boat out the door, the leadman.

So, you have a 1964 model year boat, not 1965. It's very possible this particular boat did not sell until 1965 or that the first owner did not register it until 1965. It was a new boat so they and the registration folk probably just wrote down 1965.

I am sitting in Peshtigo, WI right now, about 300 feet away from the old Thompson Boat factory!

Re: 1965 Thompson

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:10 pm
by Spiderhole
Hello, the previous owner I think was registered on this site, if we're talking about the last guy who literally owned it. It's located in Dallas, Texas now.

Sorry about the image uploads. They were from my Dropbox account which may not be able to share. I will try to fix that so you all can see what I'm looking at.