Shorten the lapstrakes/ keel vs. repair the screw damage?
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:35 am
I've just pullded the transom off of my 58 Crusiers Inc 502 Vacationer. The ends of the lapstrakes have the swiss cheese effect from the screws being removed. Are there any pitfalls to be aware of if I cut this damaged wood off; shortening the overall length? Does this affect the taper of how the transom reconnects to the lapstrakes? Am I better off repairing the damage or cutting it off? I did a search of the old threads and couldn't find anything specific. Thanks for the help.
I've just pullded the transom off of my 58 Crusiers Inc 502 Vacationer. The ends of the lapstrakes have the swiss cheese effect from the screws being removed. Are there any pitfalls to be aware of if I cut this damaged wood off; shortening the overall length? Does this affect the taper of how the transom reconnects to the lapstrakes? Am I better off repairing the damage or cutting it off? I did a search of the old threads and couldn't find anything specific. Thanks for the help.