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Thinning Stain ??

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:05 am
I believe Interlux stain must be thinned with their 333. Do the other brands of stains also need to be thinned to "house paint" thickness before you use them? Seems like a step I would like to eliminate. Thanks

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:44 am
by LancerBoy
If you purchase a think filler stain it will require thinner. If you do not use a thick filler stain that does not need thinner, than you eliminate that step.

It's no big deal to thin the peanut butter consistancy of filler stain.


Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:23 am
by Phill Blank

It is not nessecary to use the Paint Manufacturer's thinners as long as you use a good quality thinner. Some of the paint manufacturer's high prices thinners have with less smell to them then a good quality off brand mineral spirits or paint thinners. As long as you use oil base thinners in oil base varnishes, paints and stains you should not have a problem.

Filler stains need to be thinned to allow the stain to penitrate the wood and mark it easier to push the filler into the grain of the wood.
Filler stains should be applied using a relitively stiff brush or course cotton rag. I use the cheap light color natural brissel brushs I purchase from one of the big box stores. Apply the filler stain using strokes both perpendicular to and parralel to the run of the grain. It should be applied so that excess filler stain is left on the surface of the wood. Allow it to sit for a short period of time then wipe off the excess using a course fabric like burlap. Rub the surface using medium pressure perpendicular to the grain direction of the wood to force the filler into the pores. Then rub out to the desired color using light pressure with a soft cotten rag. Turn the rag to fresh area of fabric as it becomes filled with stain and filler. Rub until the surface is smooth and no excess filler is laying on top of the surface. Allow to dry over night and seal before varnishing.

Good Luck,
