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I need a couple of parts for my Cruisers 202

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:51 am
by Michael J. Seiber
I took my 202 to the local Regatta this weekend. Had a great time by the way, but I lost one of the aluminum srtips off the wooden side bumpers. I have no idea how it came off. It must have been loose and a wave tore it off. If anyone kmows where I can get one or both please let me know. Mike

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:33 am
by Michael J. Seiber
I forgot to mention. The other part I'm looking for is a stern light. Thanks, Mike

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:47 am
by LancerBoy
Aluminum extrusions in many shapes and sizes are available all over the place. Just look in your local yellow pages. You could go to places such as Boaters World or West Marine to find it. They buy the stuff from Taco (NO, not Taco Bell restaurant). But it will be much more costly.

I assume you are talking about the spray rail at the water line??? Find a match to the one that remains. If you can't find an exact match, get new ones for both sides.

Look at ebay auctions for vintage stern lights. Or go to swap meets at vintage boat shows and meets of the Antique Outboard Motor Club (

Hope this helps.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:10 pm
by Michael J. Seiber
Andreas, Thanks for the reply. I'll go to the local metal dealer and buy stock and make two matching new ones. I recieved alot of nice coments on my boat at the Regatta from the other vintage boat owners. Most were local members of a national boat club and had Chris Crafts and Century Resorters and such. They didn't know the first thing about a lapstrake boat and they asked alot of questions. It was real nice to be able to answer their questions and show them my boat. They were amazed at how nice the interior was. They thought it pretty fancy for that year. When I told them it was the original all but the vinyl on the floor they were impressed. I'm going on a two day trip down the Ohio with them and was offered to join thier club.
Thanks to you and all the members of Thompson Dockside for helping me through this project. It has led to alot of fun and I have met alot of real nice folks over it. Mike