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Sea Lancer Flooring

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:41 am
by Charles Drumm
Dear Sea Lancer Restorers,

The rsetortion of my 63 Sea Lancer is complete. New keel, keelson, knee, garboards, sheer strake, deck, windshield, ribs......on and on.

Now I need to purcahse material for the floor. Thinking of 1/2" thick marine grade plywood, treated with CPES and covered with Nautalex.

Any thoughts or comments?? Is 1/2" thick enough??

Thanks, Chuck

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:48 pm
by LancerBoy
The original tempered hardboard flooring is most likely 3/8 inch thick. The boats prior to '63 and the '64 and '65 Sea Lancer models all used 3/8 inch tempered hardboard. The '64 and '65 models were Nautolex vinyl covered. The '62 and earlier ones were painted. I don't know what was done on the '63 models.

This all pertains to Peshtigo, WI built boats. I don't know what was done on Cortland, NY boats.


Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 7:00 am
by txcaptdan
I agree with Andreas, 3/8 was the norm. Mainly I think because the floors tend to have a slight crown to run off water, 1/2 may not be flexible enough to conform. And you don't need the extra weight.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:55 am
by Charles Drumm
Thank you both for the information. When I said the restoration was complete, I meant the hull. Now the rest of the details. I'll use 3/8" marine ply and since I'm in that one year knowledge vacuum about floor covering, I'm covering it with nautalex.

Thanks again for the advise.


Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:41 am
by LancerBoy
I have used the "Sandstone" Nautolex for floor covering. I like the colour.
