Thompson Boats Forms at Wisconsin Maritime Museum

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Are you interested in visiting the WI Maritime Museum during the Thompson Rally?

Yes, definitely.
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Yes, if they display the Thompson boat forms.
No, thank you.
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Total votes: 1

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Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:26 am
Location: Pewaukee, WI

Thompson Boats Forms at Wisconsin Maritime Museum

Post by JRPfeff »

I received the following from the Curator of the Wisconsin Maritime Museum in Manitowoc in response to an inquiry regarding Thompson boats forms:
We do indeed have in our collection three boat forms from the Thompson Brothers Boat Co. One of them has been exhibited in our galleries next to a Speed Demon that's also part of our collection!
If there is enough interest, I will try to pursuade the museum to show the boat forms during the time of the Thompson Rally in August. Please express your interest in this poll.

And if you stop at the museum, take a stroll through the adjacent Inn on Maritime Bay to view the TVT hanging in the lobby.

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